KuKuK – Cultural Centre Above the Town
In the Old Kindergarten, high above the town of Bad Berneck, affectionately called “KuKuK” by the locals, an attractive cultural centre has been created for the entire Fichtelgebirge region. Organized by the association “Art and Culture in the Old Kindergarten”, regular cultural events take place since 2011: lectures, exhibitions, theater, film discussions, (author) readings, but also the popular Starkbierfest (strong beer celebration) with cabaret and music, and discussion rounds such as the “Precious talks”.
With views over the rooftops of Bad Berneck into the charming landscape of the Fichtelgebirge, the “KuKuK” is a real gem amongst the range of venues in the region. The cultural activities of the “KuKuK” are aimed at holidaymakers who are looking for an insight into authentic and typical regional cultural life. However, KuKuK also serves the local population who want to enjoy and retain old customs and events. In order to convey the cultural diversity of the region also to young people, the “KuKuK” offers courses, seminars and events e.g. (folk) music, dance, literature and regional costume tailoring.
The old kindergarten was built on the former cemetery of the city.
The current cemetery is located near the quarry.
Some tombs have remained on the old site, including the graves of Ludwig Körbitz (see QR 4) and William Rother (see QR 2).
Both men were instrumental in the success of Berneck as a health resort:
The pharmacist Körbitz invented the whey herbal cure in the 19th century, and Rother donated large sums of money to promote the spa development in the city.

Represented here are just a small number of the many events, meetings, exhibitions and talks that occur at KuKuK.
Photos: Fränkischer Theatersommer, Jutta Geyrhalter, Klaus Röske, Alexander Popp, Joachim Beth, Florian Fraaß
KUKUK is also available as a rehearsal space,
for example the British Theatre Group ‘White Horse Theatre’ booked it for rehearsal.
White Horse Theatre is an educational touring troupe which performs English language theatre in German schools.
Accordion Music
Accordion music by the
‚Wasserknodener Fastenorchesterla Nochawengala’
Town View from the Old Graveyard down into Bad Berneck
An assortment of photographs, artwork and postcards
Travel Diary – 2013
Old Cemetery
It is easy to picture this area as an old cemetery surrounding the church.
Two main signifiers remain: the first and more obvious is the grave of Wilhelm Rother, tucked along an almost secret path. Secondly, the railing which surrounds the space is typical of church cemeteries and still gives off an eerie feel.
For me the key aspect is the broad view it provides of Bad Berneck from a lower, more integrated level than the tower.
Here you can witness people mowing the lawn as well as wandering around the cozy side streets of Bad Berneck.
Matt Bather, History Student in Liverpool, UK