The historical Marketplace, which dates back to medieval times, was and is the hub of Bad Berneck’s old town and is the most photographed area of the town. It is used throughout the year for festivals and celebrations. The marketplace with its ornate garden around a central fountain positions itself as the town’s social center.
At the square, there are wonderful culinary treasures to be found. Traditional Franconian specialties such as Saure Zipfel (boiled sausages in a sour sauce), Bratwurst (fried sausages) or Schäufele (pork shoulder with potato dumplings) – these and many other culinary delights are here for the having.
In the six inns and restaurants right on the square there is something for every taste – nowhere else in the Fichtelgebirge is the gastronomy density higher than in Bad Berneck. A visit during the “Pretzel weeks”, starting at the end of January, is especially recommended. Traditional prezel recipes, sophisticated and rare, drawn from several centuries are served here – this special food event originated from an old fasting custom. The resourceful Bad Bernecker restaurateurs have turned this into a six to seven-week “specialties marathon”. Each week a different restaurant presents a menu of unique culinary highlights.
Gunsmoke over Berneck
Napoleon and Franconia: A story with many facets. On the one hand, Napoleon has ensured that Franken is a part of Bavaria today. On the other hand, with his actions, Napoleon brought an end to the era of small city-states in Germany and in a sense paved the way for modern Franconia. But what has all this to do with the town of Bad Berneck?
The years around 1800 in Berneck were quite interesting:
Alexander von Humboldt was living in Goldmühl; he revived the mining industry in the region.
The writer Jean Paul was working on his satiric novel “Dr. Katzenbergers Badereise” (Dr. Katzenberger’s Journey to the Spa)”, probably while nibbling on his beloved Bernecker ginger nut cookies.
In the year of the novel’s publication, 1809, a battle between the Napoleonic troops led by Junot, and Austrian troops, led by Kienmeyer, took place only a few miles away – at Lützenreuth (town Gefrees). The Napoleonic army was defeated in this battle; Berneck suffered from actions by the retreating armies. The road linking Knodental to Rimlas is commonly known as Kugelgasse (cannonball alley), because a lot of cannonballs were found there from this battle. One of the cannonballs left in a Bad Berneck house wall commemorates this battle. On the first floor of the music cafe Rheingold, this reminder of Napoleon can be seen to this day.
Source: Association of Historical Places
A photo gallery containing just some of the events and festivals that occur throughout the year:
Arts & Crafts – Every year Bad Berneck hosts at least one arts and crafts event at the marketplace.
Christmas – Because of its smaller size, Bad Berneck’s Christmas Market is open only one day, but a Gingerbread House constructed on the square serves mulled wine and hot chocolate on weekends throughout the holidays.
Easter – Almost more popular than Christmas, in the springtime Bad Berneck’s citizens go all out to decorate their gardens, springs and fountains. The well at the marketplace is elaborately decorated with greens and Easter eggs, in best Upper Franconian tradition.
Old Cars – Vintage car rallies are very popular in the region, and Bad Berneck is a popular destination on the circuit.
Singa, Spilln, Tanzen (Sing, Play & Dance) – A special Bad Berneck festival celebrating song, dance and music-making, where traditional music and dance takes place not only within various venues around town, but also right in the street.
Tip: You can access an events calendar with all current events and opening times on www.badberneck.de
A Spin with a Twist
A time-lapse film about the fountain in the center of the marketplace
by Dominic Day
Ivan Smith Parking Meter
Ivan Smith’s “Wrapping” project, as shown through a short time-lapse film photographed by Sabine Gollner.
Local residents really appreciated the artwork on the parking meter, especially as a side effect was free parking for all.
See QR 11 and QR 13 for more about Ivan Smith and this project.
Caricature by Wolfgang Thiel
Now & Then
A collection of twinned views of the marketplace, comparing the past with the present.
A selection of old photographs, with date when known.
A present-day gallery of photographs.